Wednesday, October 18, 2017

An Unholy Delusion "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:11 King James Holy Bible ( PART I )

We are living in a time of rampant evil, propaganda, war, death, drugs, division, confusion and terror everywhere. There seems to be a sense of dread.Time seems to have sped up, people rushing forward with no clear and honest destination in sight.

We see false flags daily, people appear to be selfish, narcissistic, greedy, infantile and ignorant. The leaders of the nations are infantile, narcissistic and even psychotic. It has become apparent that there is an undercurrent of evil and hopelessness that seems to permeate the very fabric of society.
The question that is never asked is, Why? The answer to the question Why is that we are suffering a Spiritual Crisis. When the soul is sick the individual is sick. When the soul of an individual is sick, a spiritual disease spreads like a virus, contaminating all that are touched by that individual. This in turn creates a virus that left untreated overwhelms those that have been infected and finally society, entire nations become infected. We have all fallen victim to the disease of apathy and sit like dumb, fat and happy creatures that have no real desire to take control of our own thought processes, or to take responsibility for our own actions. We are forever a "victim" of forces outside us that control every aspect of our lives. Too lazy to search out the truth even tho today it is at our very fingertips. Too lazy to expend more energy than is required to send a tweet across the airwaves.

 Man has gone beyond the boundaries of sanity and has fallen victim to depravity, lawlessness, jealousy, discord, strife, perpetual war, and evil just for evil's sake. We see pride in degeneracy and valor in wars against nations that have neither the means nor the intent to harm the United States. We celebrate sodomy as if it were a blessing to us all. We allow the murder of the unborn as we sacrifice them literally to the fires of Molech. The United States battle cry of Human Rights and Patriotism  is the propaganda  rhetoric that is promoted in all forms of the media as an excuse for an invasion,  and the absolute destruction of entire nations.  Politically correct "New Speak" has turned our backbone to mush. Few have the courage to speak out, and for the few that do, careers are ruined, families are lost.  Prison and even death wait in the shadows for those that dare to say "The emperor is naked." We have been laid bare and have become as the bones of dead men. Lifeless empty, brittle, lacking empathy, lacking love.  Psychopaths pass legislation to govern us with an evil that is a quagmire of corruption and filth. All manner of evil are cunningly disguised behind the ideals of Freedom, Civil Rights, and Patriotism just to name a few.  Meaningless propaganda spewed twenty four hours a day upon the unwitting participants for a particular nefarious purpose. Very few individuals have the time or will take the time to seek out for themselves the faint light of truth that shines beneath the maelstrom of deception. Given a choice the majority will choose ignorance and enslavement rather than face the reality of  the spiritual emptiness in their own heart, soul and mind. To live a lie requires very little energy, to let another lead requires no thought or planning in the mind of the follower. Truly, mankind has delivered himself and his future generations over to a time of spiritual wickedness so blatant that even the Saints of the Most High cry out, "How long."
( And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  Revelation 6:10 King James Scriptures )

Churches are filled with the masses feeding on the emptiness and vanity of the posterity doctrine, 
( Malachi 3:8  Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings King James Scriptures )  the rapture theory of deceit, 
( Ezekiel 13:20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. King James Scriptures ) and the meaningless nonsense of the babbling of tongues that none can translate. ( Acts 2:5-6 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. King James Scriptures ) The house of prayer hiding wolves in sheeps clothing that steal not only the money of the masses but their souls as well.
( Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. King James Scriptures)

It would surprise many to know that  man is spiritually sick by design, a deliberate altering of reality in order to promote a bizarre and soulless reality. There is a very real conspiracy of evil, a spiritual conspiracy targeting the people of all nations. An evil delusion masquerading as love. A strong delusion that has been planned since the beginning of time.

Delusion is the act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind. Deception by creating illusory ideas.

 A  powerful lie to seduce and enslave the people of the world into a trap that will ensnare them, even into eternity. It is a spiritual apocalyptic battle for the mind, heart and soul of every man, woman and child.
We are in the climax of the apocalyptic battle between good and evil. An individual does not need to look much further than their television and other media channels to see the absolute subversion and corruption that has been spawned in society today.

To understand the spiritual agenda you must  put aside your own spiritual beliefs . To see the spiritual evil in this Unholy Delusion you must understand that even if you do not believe in God, Religion, Satan, Fallen Angels, Spirituality, or the Holy King James Scriptures, they do. When I say "they" I do mean the Luciferians and those corrupted individuals that whore after evil,  knowing absolutely what the cost required is. "They" are the principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places that is revealed in the Book of Ephesians 6:12 King James Scriptures.

This is the definition of a Luciferian : Lu`ci`fe´ri`an
Of or pertaining to Lucifer; having the pride of Lucifer; or or pertaining to the Luciferians or their leader. 
To state it quite simply, Lucifer is the adversary of God.

My intent is to bring attention to the spiritual agenda of a deception that is planned against all mankind. My hope is to expose this in such a way that every individual that reads this can see quite clearly how the different entities that are involved are linked together to bring about this plan. I will present this deception in the words of those behind the agenda so that there can be no doubt of the plan. I will introduce this plan in  Theosophy ( known as The New Age Religion), Lucis Trust, The role of the Pope, The United Nations, Judaism, and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion do not hide this deception and indeed, it is promoted and legitimized on their web content. Just as the Christians believe in Christ, these entities believe in Lucifer. The Holy King James Scriptures warn of this deception and the role of Lucifer as he is introduced to the masses as "The Christ."

               The Plan is a Universal Religion with Lucifer as "The Christ"

                                            THE LUCIFERIAN AGENDA 

                                        MADAME HELEN BLAVATSKY 
                                   The Knowledge of the Divine - Occultism    
 Madame Blavatsky was born in Russia and later in life she migrated to New York where she co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. The name Theosophy comes from the term Theosophia which means "knowledge of the divine." During her world travels in 1849, she encountered a group of "spiritual adepts" that sent her to  Shigatse, Tibet.

"The masters of Theosophy, located in Tibet and around the world, preserve and extend this ancient wisdom."
 Periodically they send forth one of their own - or a messenger - to help spread this teaching to all of humanity. It was in Tibet that Blavatsky was trained to develop her own psychic powers. Blavatsky published this knowledge in 1888 in her book The Secret Doctrine. Many of Blavatsky's friends and followers made claims that they had personally witnessed Madam Blavatsky transform into an Eastern Holy man and believed her to have been reincarnated from that to a female in this life.
Madam Blavatsky was also the author of Isis Unveiled as well many other writings.

Blavatsky's Theosophical doctrines influenced the spread of Hindu and Buddhist ideas in the West as well as the development of Western esoteric currents like Ariosophy, Anthroposophy and the New Age Movement.  Theosophy was the "Universal Wisdom" which operated discreetly under the "Vatican "priests" in the first half of the 20th century.
 According to Madam Blavatsky's article "The Kabbalah and the Kabbalists" is an
 Occult Key. Theosophy is a natural ally to the Jewish tradition. In fact the Jewish
Seal of Solomon is an ancient sacred symbol in Eastern Philosophies and Religions.
Gershom Scholem in his book "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism"discusses what he
calls the theosophical principles of the Jewish Mercabah.


In 1887  Madam Blavatsky published the first edition of the journal "LUCIFER" in
 London. Lucifer was a theosophical magazine that was later renamed The
Theosophical Review.

According to the Theosophy belief is Lucifer is the light bearer or morning star.
( How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art 
thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Isaiah 14:12
King James Scriptures  )
 Lucifer means "light bearer" the Latin being Luciferus.  Lucifer did not "fall" Lucifer 
sacrificed to bring knowledge to mankind.
 In Madam Blavatsky's work "The Secret Doctrine" she speaks of Lucifer
in glowing terms. The subject of Theosophy is an Occult "religion" and the god of 
this religion is Lucifer.




The ankh, or Egyptian cross, features a T-shaped cross with a circle on top.
The T part represents life or wisdom, and the circle stands for eternity.
The left handed version of a swastika is the "yin" when it is inscribed in a
 circle it is to emphasize the "joining of heaven and earth" and
 "the perfected human being."
The circular image of the serpent biting its tail links the mythical significance
of the serpent to that of the sacred circle.
The hexagram or six pointed star surrounded by the circle represents the
divine mind. ( a counterfeit to God's wisdom )


 Lucis Trust ( formerly Lucifer Publishing ) was founded in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey. Alice Bailey was a "disciple" of Theosophist Madam Helena Blavatsky. Alice Bailey became involved in the Theosophical Society in 1917.
 Alice Bailey's writings were similar to Madam Blavatsky and are often referred to as "Ageless Wisdom. " Alice Bailey reported that the majority of her work was telepathically dictated to her by a "Master of Wisdom" referred to as "The Tibetan" later identified as Dwjal Khul.

According to the Lucis Trust Website,  Lucis Trust is dedicated to the establishment of a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity.
As the website indicates there is a "divine" plan. The plan is to bring the masses into subservience to an entity soon to enter the world stage. The entity is Lucifer who will be introduced to the people of all nations as "The Christ."

 This plan is hidden in plain sight on the Lucis Trust Website.